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Paul Scherrer Institut PSI Summer School on Organic Aerosol

Paul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI, Schweiz/Switzerland
Tel. +41 56 310 21 11
Fax. +41 56 310 21 99

E-Mail: markus.furger@psi.ch

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Participant presentations


Name Title   
Andersson Camilla Meteorological variability, climate trends and emission source regions affecting air pollution in Europe abstract presentation references
Burkart Julia CCN measurements at an urban location – concentrations and activation diameters abstract presentation references
Caseiro Alexandre Wood burning contribution to PM10 in three Austrian cities abstract presentation references
Chirico Roberto Impact of a diesel car on primary and secondary organic aerosols abstract presentation references
Ciobanu Viorela-Gabriela Liquid-liquid phase separation in mixed organic-inorganic aerosols exposed to hygroscopic cycles abstract

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Coz Esther The role of carbonaceous particle morphology in ambient aerosol characterization abstract presentation references
Ekström Sanna The biogenic role in cloud formation and aerosol chemistry abstract presentation references
Emanuelsson Eva Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Ozonolysis of ß-pinene abstract presentation references
Engström Erik Light absorbing matter in air and in rain at the ABC-Maldives climate observatory abstract presentation references
Garbaras Andrius δ13C/12C measurements of aerosol particles in Preila abstract presentation references
González Nélida Analytical technique for the identification of tracers for secondary organic material in atmospheric aerosols abstract presentation references
Hammonds Mark David Chemical characterisation of urban particulate matter in the UK abstract presentation references
Heringa Maarten Investigation of primary and secondary aerosols from wood combustion with a high resolution time of flight aerosol mass spectrometer abstract presentation references
Holmgren Helene Construction and Characterisation of a Particle Magnifier abstract presentation references
Kahnt Ariane The use of the IfT chamber to determine carbonyl compounds from the oxidation of monoterpenes abstract presentation references
Karanasiou Angeliki Source apportionment of particulate matter in urban aerosol abstract presentation references
Kuznietsova Inna Laboratory research on aqueous reactions of isoprene with inorganic radicals abstract presentation references
Lanz Valentin Linear unmixing of reactive organic pollutants in the atmosphere abstract presentation references
Lucas Claire Investigating the Oxidation of Organic Films on Cloud Droplets abstract presentation references
Mohr Claudia Source apportionment of ambient aerosol applying PMF on AMS mobile and stationary data abstract presentation references
Perron Nolwenn Separation of OC and EC for 14C analyses of carbonaceous aerosols  abstract presentation references
Prisle Noenne Effects of high RH on α-pinene SOA phase partitioning abstract presentation references
Pugh Thomas Modelling the fate of biogenic emissions from tropical rainforest abstract presentation references
Rimselyte Inga Online measurements of chemical composition and size distribution of submicron aerosol particles in east Baltic region abstract presentation references
Rollins Andrew Important aspects of the NOx dependence of SOA formation: Organic nitrates and oxidation via NO3 abstract presentation references
Salo Kent Volatility measurements of organic aerosols using a VTDMA system abstract presentation references
Vacharaporn Soonsin Discontinuous hygroscopic growth of a mixed organic/inorganic aerosol particle levitated in an electrodynamic balance abstract presentation references
Vestenius Mika Background concentrations of PAH:s in precipitation and air in Finland abstract presentation references
Wang Junnan Design and initial results from a new multiphase atmospheric  simulation chamber (CESAM) abstract presentation references
Wilson Jacqueline M. Analysis of Soot Produced on Combustion of Biomass abstract presentation references
Wu Zhijun The roles of sulfuric acid and organic condensable vapors in the growth of newly formed particles in the rural environment  abstract presentation references